Thursday, February 28, 2008

Prince Harry

I'm rather pissed off with the Drudge Report for leaking that Prince Harry is in Afghanistan. How dare they put his life in danger! Don't think the Taliban isn't going to pay attention? If they have to move him for security reason then his unit is going to affected as well. Having a unit in turmoil is not good for morale. I understand the need to report the news but to report something that affects his safety and performing his duties—that's just not right. It's not responsible reporting.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday

Thank God that Super Tuesday is here. I've been home recouperating for over a week now and if I see one more political commerical I'm going to scream. The Indian Gaming one is the worst—they keep putting up rebuttle commericals the minute the opposition airs theirs. Most of them are so negative and deceiving. For example, the Indian Gaming one gives you the impression that if you vote no then it's over, but that's not true. The proposition was already passed, a no vote takes it to court...wasting yet more money. I would love to watch the news and not have the word Obama, Hillary, Mitt or anyone's else's name mentioned just for one night! When we're in the middle of an election year it's almost as if the rest of the world doesn't exist. I have to watch the BBC to find out what's going on outside of our shores. Enough already!