Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 You Rat Bastard

2016 what can I say about you…you rat bastard! There were some good times for me in 2016, our trip to Arizona, my visit to the Cauley family in Texas, but in general it was the year I’d rather forget.

My health wasn’t all that great this year. First part of the year I was hobbling around with a cane. Although it was an improvement over the crutches. Then I had a few months of normal health and then the dreaded cough hit in September and I finished out the year coughing, fat and not too happy. But at least I’m alive which is more than I can say for half the celebrities out there. God, it’s been a rough year for the rich and famous.

There were some shocking deaths this year. I’d say that 2016 was right up there with my personal year in 2014 when it seemed like half my relatives passed away. 2016 seemed to be a repeat of that year but for the world. 

Bowie for Christ’s Sake! The man pulled a fast one on us for sure, releases a record and we’re all jubilant “Bowie’s back!” and then he dies two days later. Went out with a bang that one.

Alan Rickman. That one tore at my heart as well. I’m not a big Potter fan but he was good as Professor Snape. I fell in love with him in Truly, Madly, Deeply and even though he was a bad boy in Love Actually, in my heart of hearts I think he didn’t go through with the affair. Just stay away from Colin Firth 2016 or I'll have to cut you!

And Prince, although I wasn’t a fan (too 80s for me) I could appreciate his guitar work. Just watch this and you’ll see a master at work.

The one that hit me and Bruce the most was Gordy Howe, Mr. Hockey. We cried a bit over that one. He was such a nice, easy going guy until he was on the ice. Good guy that kept to his Canadian roots.

Leonard Cohen…I still have Hallelujah stuck in my brain. One of the best songs ever written. There have been some good renditions but his version is always the one that makes me tearful. 

As a matter of fact, I got the songs of many of the singers stuck in my head every time one of them died. Wasn’t all that fun when Florence Henderson died and I had the Brady Bunch theme stuck in my head for a week.

So, what is 2017 going to give us. I’m a little leery about the future. I’m not happy with what I’ve seen the last few months with Trump so I don’t see how 2017 is going to be any different with him in office. Who know, maybe he’ll stop with the snarky tweeks and be more presidential. Who am I kidding. What I don’t like is the rise of hate, intolerance and downright rudeness in this country. I hope that people will look around them and think you know, we could do better. We’ll see.