Saturday, January 19, 2008

Long Time No Blog

It's January and I promise that I will blog more often. I didn't realize that I hadn't posted anything since May of last year . Well I'm going to be home for the next six weeks convalescing from a hysterectomy so perhaps I'll blog more, at least in between the bouts of pain. I'm really not looking forward to having a part of my body removed, even if it's been quite a pain the last few years. Boy, I am not going to miss my uterus one minute. I have my pre-op meeting with the doctor on Monday and they told me to write down any questions I may have. I really couldn't think of any at the time, but in the middle of the night I woke up with a couple of stupid ones. So, if they take out the uterus, what happens to the ovaries? Do they just hang there? Is there a chance of them shifting around now that there's a hole? And, what do they do with the hole in your cervix, stitch it up? You can't have a hole that goes nowhere right? So if there's nothing there when you have sex, all the sperm is going to come right out because it has no place to go. Yuck. I don't think I'll ask those questions to the doctor, they sound a bit odd if you ask me. But those are the type of things that I think of in the middle of the night. I've never quite gotten over asking 3-year old type questions even as an adult—why is the sky blue? I used to drive my mom nuts, but to her credit, she used to get the encyclopedia out right then and there and get an answer to my questions. That was until she figured out I was asking them during washing up time so I could get out of doing dishes (it never worked). That God when we got a dishwasher. Anyway, I digress. I did ask a girlfriend who is going through nursing school and she set me straight. I'm still a little grossed out thinking that all that gunk comes right back now now because the hole has been sewn up LOL!

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