Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

First, let me say that I'm not used to Memorial Day. I mostly grew up in Canada where we have Remembrance Day on Nov. 11—Veteran's Day in the US. I think that Memorial Day is at the wrong time of the month. Traditionally it's the opening weekend of summer and has become a happy holiday, which is not what it's supposed to signify. Remembrance Day in Canada is solemn; people stop at 11 minutes after 11 a.m. and pay their respect to the military people who have made the ultimate sacrifice. People down here say "Happy Memorial Day" and ads talk about huge sales and celebrating the weekend. The reason for the weekend is lost in all the hype. It's being overshadowed by the fact that the weather is finally clearing and summer is in the air. People are naturally giddy. So I think the day should be moved to November 11. That date is close to Thanksgiving when people are naturally reflective and thinking of their loved ones. Mind you I just recently read an article that the next generation of Canadians are not learning their wartime history. I hope that's not true. It would be sad for any country to forget it's war dead.

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